FOS 401 Forensic Science Laboratory Internship

280 Laboratory Hours, 3 credits

FOS 401 is one of two capstone courses in the Forensic Science Program, with FOS 402 (Undergraduate Research Internship) as the second option. The Forensic Science Laboratory Internship course is designed for students looking to enhance the practical knowledge gained in their academic studies while establishing a foothold in a potential future work environment. These internships are conducted in an external host laboratory. Students accepted to forensic laboratory internships may gain exposure to: trace evidence analysis, document examination, instrumental analysis, drug chemistry, toxicology, serology, crime scene service, explosive and incendiary device recovery, comparative microscopy in firearms and tool marks, and scientific photography. Internships may also be done in analytical, clinical, and research laboratories.  Students must do at least 280 hours of laboratory work. Arrangements for internships must be approved in advance by the Forensic Science Laboratory Internship Coordinator.

View current syllabus for FOS 401.

The deadline to enroll in FOS 401 each term coincides with the deadline to enroll in Independent Studies/Internship courses and can be found in the John Jay College Academic Calendar for each respective term.


ENG 201; senior standing and majoring in Forensic Science.

Permission of the Forensic Science Laboratory Internship Coordinator.


Getting Started

  • Start researching potential internship opportunities at the beginning of your junior year in the FOS major.
  • Browse through the list of potential host laboratories
  • Where available, research the website for specific host laboratories to familiarize yourself with the types of analyses conducted there and the application requirements.
  • Once you have a professional quality resume and cover letter, contact target host laboratories to request an internship application. Internship placements can be very competitive so applying to several host laboratories increases your chances of getting an internship.
  • Contact the Forensic Science Laboratory Internship Coordinator at for guidance beyond what’s available on this website and the syllabus.


Enrolling in FOS 401

Once you have secured an internship offer, email to request permission to register for the course and provide the following as attachments to your email request:

  • Signed and completed form on the last page of the FOS 401 syllabus
  • Unofficial transcript from CUNYfirst
  • Resume or curriculum vitae (CV)
  • Photograph (a full color copy of your John Jay ID/driver license/passport is acceptable)
  • You may also be asked to forward the letter/email message from the host laboratory confirming your internship.

Once these documents have been received, the Forensic Science Laboratory Internship Coordinator will notify you when the permission has been added for you to register for FOS 401 on CUNYfirst. Please keep in mind the deadlines for internship registration which can be found in the Academic Calendar for each respective term. You will not be permitted to register after the deadline.


Responsibilities During the Internship

(Specific guidance can be found in the FOS 401 syllabus.)

  • The intern must keep a daily log of activities in a bound lab notebook.
  • A time log must be maintained in the lab notebook in a table format specifying in five columns: the date, start time, end time, number of hours, cumulative total number of hours. Exclude any time taken for meal breaks. Some laboratories have their own time logs which supervisors must sign; copies of these may be taped into the notebook.
  • Email Updates must be sent to as soon as possible once each 90-hour time point has been reached (after 90, 180, and 270 hours). Provide your last name and the number of hours completed in the Email Subject Line. Each update should be 2-3 paragraphs summarizing the work accomplished within the defined timeframe.


Completion of the Internship and Grading

  • At the conclusion of 280 hours, the intern will prepare a double-spaced word-processed reflective paper about the internship, including the work or research performed, what was learned, how theoretical concepts learned in school were integrated into practical applications, and how it might affect their career in forensic science. Your reflective paper should range between 4 to 6 pages in length, incorporating all the aforementioned attributes. Do NOT provide detailed protocols for the laboratory procedures performed during the internship; instead summarize the goals of the procedures and your role performing these procedures. You are not permitted to use artificial intelligence apps like ChatGPT to write your paper. Upload your paper to the Assignments section of the FOS 401 Brightspace site for grading.
  • The student should upload to Brightspace a short critique of the internship experience, specifically in consideration of how this feedback may be helpful for future students who are considering the host laboratory for their internship experience. This critique must be separate from the reflective statement. The content of the critique will not be factored into the grade or submitted to the host agency. It is for the benefit of future interns only.
  • The internship notebook with time log must be submitted to the FOS 401 Coordinator by the deadline posted on the FOS 401 Brightspace site.
  • The intern’s supervisor at the host agency will be sent an intern assessment survey which will be submitted directly to the FOS 401 Coordinator at the conclusion of the student’s internship.


Contact Information


Frequently Asked Questions

Begin applying during your junior year in the FOS major. Most laboratories prefer that you have taken Instrumental Analysis before you intern with them, so you can apply for summer internships in the winter/spring before the target summer term.

No, FOS 401 is a 400-level capstone course. Students must have senior standing to get permission to register for FOS 401.

A student has senior standing in the FOS major when they have completed 300-level science and math courses in the FOS curriculum. Students can begin applying for internships the year before they attain senior standing since it may take 3-8 months to complete the application process.

No, FOS 401 is specifically for students in the FOS major. The CMB and TOX majors are working on adding internship capstones to their curriculum. CMB and TOX majors can do faculty-mentored research for their capstone; this is FOS 402.

Internships with analytical/clinical/research laboratories are permitted. Several of these are on the list of potential host laboratories. Consult with the Forensic Science Laboratory Internship Coordinator if you have the possibility of interning with a laboratory that is not on the list.

Many forensic science laboratories will require a background check for the applicant. These background checks can take months to complete.

No, although the host laboratory may have a preference that you are placed in a department aligned with your chosen track in the FOS program, you are permitted to intern in laboratories outside of your track discipline.

No, students are encouraged to seek out internship experiences outside of the given list. The CUNY Inclusive Economy Initiative is also actively working to partner with new host laboratories.

Most forensic laboratories do not accept international students for internships, but the New Jersey State Police Laboratory system is one exception; these internships are highly competitive. Some of the non-forensic laboratories accept internship applications from international students. International students can also seek internships in their home country and communicate with the Forensic Science Internship Coordinator to make the appropriate arrangements. Otherwise, FOS 402 is the alternative capstone to consider.

Yes, students have procured internships with medical examiner offices, mortuary, and pathology departments in the past. These internships are especially recommended for students planning on a career as a forensic pathologist/medical examiner.

If the course requirements are not fulfilled within the semester that the intern is registered for FOS 401, an INC (incomplete) grade will be assigned, which will be updated with a letter-grade upon completion of the course requirements. INC grades from the spring semester & 8-week summer term should be resolved at the beginning of the subsequent fall semester; INC grades from the fall semester should be resolved at the beginning of the subsequent spring semester. If the internship is not completed, with all post-internship documents submitted, by the third week of the subsequent semester specified, the registrar will automatically change the “INC” to “FIN” (Incomplete changed to F) in the fourth week of the subsequent semester. The FIN grade will be included in the calculation of your GPA. Upon completion of the requirements, the FIN grade can be changed without penalty. This type of grade change takes longer to process because it must be approved by the administration, so patience on the part of the student is required. Once the submitted grade is approved, the “FIN” will no longer appear on the transcript, being replaced by a letter grade. The college’s Academic Calendar specifies the relevant due dates.

Typically, students who have applied for graduation and need only FOS 401 to complete degree requirements are able to make this request to the Registrar’s Office.

Students must contact to work with the Forensic Science Laboratory Internship Coordinator to get permission to register for FOS 401.

No, FOS 401 is also offered in fall and spring semesters.

No, there is insufficient time to complete 280 hours in the winter session.

You can contact to make this request.

Ask a professor with whom you have earned an A or B grade if they can write a strong letter to support your application. Ideally, this should be a science professor.

Absolutely! However, these are highly competitive internships, and many internships are unpaid. Some host laboratories will not permit payment if the student is earning FOS 401 course credit.

Yes, confirm with the Forensic Science Laboratory Internship Coordinator.

Yes, confirm with the Forensic Science Laboratory Internship Coordinator.

Yes, confirm with the Forensic Science Laboratory Internship Coordinator.

Yes, confirm with the Forensic Science Laboratory Internship Coordinator.