Employee Wellness
HR Mission
We are committed to excellence in human resources management and dedicated to create and facilitate, efficient and effective processes, programs, and initiatives that attracts talented job candidates and support our faculty and staff throughout their entire employment journey at the College.
HR Vision Statement
Our vision is to pioneer a transformative HR ecosystem that serves as a model for higher education institutions, where every employee’s journey is marked by efficiency, equity, inclusion and empowerment.
Welcome aboard!
Core Values
HR CARES form the core values that underline our work: Civility, Advocacy, Responsiveness, Empathy, Social Justice
Connect with HR during our Virtual Office Hours:
Fridays 11am-1pm
Meeting ID: 840 1856 7887
Passcode: 694791
Important HR Contact Information
1. For timesheets and direct deposit inquiries, please contact us at AskPayroll@jjay.cuny.edu.
2. For benefits-related inquiries, please contact us at Benefits@jjay.cuny.edu.
3. For general inquiries, please contact us at AskHR@jjay.cuny.edu.
4. HR main phone number: (212) 237-8517