Dispute Resolution Center
About us
Since 1993, John Jay College has housed the City University of New York Dispute Resolution Center (CUNY DRC), a university based academic center which serves as a comprehensive coordinating mechanism to advance research and innovative program development throughout City University as well as the New York City metropolitan area. As part of its ongoing operations, the CUNY DRC organizes conferences and training programs, provides technical assistance, conducts research, hosts visitors from around the world, produces research working papers, publishes a biannual newsletter, and maintains a listserv and an extensive database of those interested in dispute resolution in New York City. Of particular note is the CUNY DRC’s initiative called Make Talk Work which includes training workshops, special projects, and monthly city-wide meetings for scholars and practitioners in dispute resolution.
The CUNY DRC has amassed an outstanding track record in addressing all kinds of difficult issues using a variety of innovative formats including dialogues, town meetings, mediation, and related informal dispute resolution processes. It has specialized in fostering constructive inter-group relations including dialogues between cops and kids and among culturally diverse groups. The CUNY DRC was established with funding provided by the City University of New York and the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. In addition to the former, the CUNY DRC’s innovative activities are supported by grants from a wide range of foundations and government sources.
For additional information about the CUNY Dispute Resolution Center, please contact staff at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, Room 520 Haaren Hall, 524 West 59th Street, New York, New York 10019; email: johnjaydisputeres@jjay.cuny.edu.

Dispute Resolution Links
New York Metropolitan Links
Connecting people, places, and possibilities in the Big Apple.
NY State Dispute Resolution Organizations
Resolve disputes with ease through NY State's top-rated Dispute Resolution Organizations

Contact us
524 W 59th Street Rm 520 Haaren Hall
John Jay College of Criminal Justice