Military Programs for Students

CUNY Army ROTC: Army ROTC provides college students the skills and leadership training to become officers in the United States Active Army, Army Reserve, and Army National Guard. John Jay students normally enroll at the ROTC program hosted at nearby City College of New York (CCNY).
Cadets develop maturity, responsibility, leadership ability, self-confidence, and other qualities essential to success in any field. The program includes academic classes, physical fitness training, and off-site summer Army training. Upon successful completion of ROTC, Cadets receive commissions as a 2nd Lieutenant in one of the Army's specialized branches. For information on the Army ROTC program, click here.
To contact CUNY Army ROTC, phone: 212-650-6478 or email:
Air Force ROTC: John Jay students have the opportunity to enroll in the Air Force ROTC program at Manhattan College. Three and four-year programs are offered that provide academic studies and training that lead to a student’s commission as a 2nd Lieutenant in the US Air Force. All classes and training in the ROTC program are held 1-day each week on Fridays at Manhattan College.
For information on the Air Force ROTC program see: Air Force ROTC. To contact Manhattan College ROTC, phone: 718-862-7201 or email:
To apply for Air Force ROTC, see: Questionnaire for Prospective AFROTC Det 560 Cadets
Marine Corps Platoon Leader Class (PLC): The Marine Corps offers an opportunity for John Jay students to receive summer training leading upon graduation to a commission as a 2nd Lieutenant through its Platoon Leader Class (PLC) for college freshmen, sophomores and juniors. The Officer Candidate Course also is available after graduation which leads to a commission upon completion.
For information on Marine Corps Officer programs see: Marine Corps Commissioning Programs.
To contact the Manhattan Marine Corps Officer Selection Team: email Captain Chad Harper, USMC, or phone using cell: 917-346-5469 / office: 646-558-5701
Coast Guard College Student Pre-commissioning Initiative (CSPI): John Jay students are eligible to apply for the Coast Guard’s college completion and commissioning program, CSPI. Students who are accepted into this scholarship program will be enlisted into the United States Coast Guard, complete basic training during the summer, and receive full funding for up to two years of college. Funding includes not only payment of tuition, books, and fees, but a full-time Coast Guard salary, housing allowance, and medical benefits. After graduation, CSPI members attend Officer Candidate School (OCS) and upon completion are commissioned as Ensigns. A CSPI Student Loan Repayment Program (SLRP) also is available for recent graduate (up to 2-years following undergraduate graduation).
For more information on Coast Guard CSPI see: College Student Pre-Commissioning Program
To contact Coast Guard CSPI recruiter, OS1 Adrian Cohen, phone: 917-263-1065 or email:
US Coast Guard Auxiliary University Program (USCGAUP): John Jay hosts a detachment of the US Coast Guard Auxiliary Program which provides students the opportunity for academic instruction and training in Coast Guard-related specialties. A high percentage of USCGAUP graduates who apply for commissioning training at the Officer Candidate School are accepted.
For information on the John Jay USCGAUP see: Coast Guard Auxiliary University Program at John Jay.
ASVAB Preparation Brochure for Students Interested in Military Careers:
Learn about resources to help you study for the ASVAB, minimum score requirements on the ASVAB for each branch, ASVAB tips, and other information.
Find the brochure PDF: HERE
John Jay College supports students who temporarily discontinue their studies due to military service. Students facing or considering military service breaks in their John Jay studies are strongly encouraged to contact the Military and Veteran Services Manager at If you are receiving veteran or military educational benefits, also email the Veteran Certifying Official at
Pls click on a tab for more information
Military reserve students who are recalled to active duty in the US armed forces after having attended regularly for 13 or more weeks (5 or more weeks for summer session) or having completed 85% of the term's work through acceleration may be given full credit for each course in which he or she has a grade of C or better. Students departing John Jay studies to begin active military service may request similar consideration. Immediately after receiving orders, such students should contact both their instructors and Enrollment Management/Jay Express Service Center.
Military reserve students recalled to active duty who do not meet attendance requirements sufficient to earn a grade may be entitled to a 100% refund of tuition and fees, except application fees. For students who discontinue studies to begin active military service, the amount of the refund depends upon whether the withdrawal is before the 5th week of classes. Students withdrawing prior to the beginning of the 5th week (3rd week in the Summer Session/Winter Session) are entitled to 100% refund of tuition and all fees except application fees. Students withdrawing after the 5th week (or the 3rd week for Summer Session/Winter Session) are entitled to a 50% refund of tuition and fees.
Veterans returning from military service who were in good standing in their John Jay studies (undergraduate GPA 2.0; graduate GPA 3.0) are automatically processed for readmission upon application. Upon presentation of a DD214 and/or orders, the readmission deadline date, fee and penalty fees will be waived. Readmission may be granted for veterans who were in a probationary or non-degree status in their John Jay studies. Their readmission applications must be approved by the undergraduate Readmission Committee or Graduate Dean of Students, and may include other requirements.
Readmission applications may be made at the Jay Express Service Center or through the online application found at:
We're available to assist you by phone and email
Richard Pusateri
Military and Veteran's Services Director
Chrissy Pacheco
Veteran Certifying Official
Alexis Pistone
Military and Veteran Services Advisor