Office for Student Research & Creativity
Our human inquiries inevitably lead us to a search for answers. How we investigate phenomena and examine experiences ultimately relies on the objective collection and analysis of data: information collected systematically and independently over some period of time. If we want to understand anything, we ultimately rely on that information, shared with us over time.
What does that mean?
Questions beget more questions. That is the world of research. Much like the world of philosophy from which any science sprung. It is never ending. But – it is also deeply rewarding in its small increments of discoveries. And, it is everywhere! Research is knowledge: accumulated, translated, and messaged. Only to be: amended, developed, critiqued, and never, ever! “perfected”.
Find your question, your connection, your place! Understand how your curiosity finds its way into your own project and make it your purpose! Discover the power of your impact on the world, even if: small, specific, and counterintuitive to your hypothesis. Appreciate the value of your contributions and own it!!
Our mantra: “Everything is connected – you just have to find the connections” – Let’s explore together!

Three Major Objectives
Early Engagement
Do not underestimate the power of inquiry & the life-long benefits of conducting research/creative work in college.
Get started!
Effective Mentorship
Long-term faculty mentoring enhances student improvement.
Let’s find your mentor!
We have the most diverse student body of CUNY’s senior colleges & 42% are first in their family to attend college.
Join us!
Interested in receiving a scholarship to complete a research project of your choice? You came to the right place! Every year the Office for Student Research & Creativity (OSRC) offers (10) annual scholarships to undergraduate students and (6) to graduate students in the amount of $1,000 each, affording them the opportunity to conduct research or engage in creative works with a John Jay College faculty member over the course of an academic year. To learn more, click on the links below:

Opportunities & Resources for Faculty and Students
Faculty Mentor Award
Each year, the OSRC awards several Outstanding Scholarly Mentor Awards to recognize faculty members who have provided exceptional student mentoring by engaging undergraduates and graduates in scholarly research or creative work.
How to Connect with a Faculty Mentor
Interested in conducting research, but do not have a faculty mentor?
Follow the guidelines provided to start your search!
Faculty Mentor-Mentee Stories
Interested in learning about mentor-mentee stories regarding their projects and success together?
Featured stories coming soon.

The annual Research Creativity Expo is a 10 day event featuring 460+ student presentations & performances led by faculty & mentors. Projects range from semester-long classroom assignments to long-term collaborations that lead to publications, theses or proposals.
Under the guidance of Bettina Muenster, the Assistant Director, the OSRC consists of a team of John Jay student staffers who all look forward to serving you and exposing you to research.