Student Resources
Student Resources & Services
Admissions For students seeking support regarding applying, transferring, and visiting John Jay.
NB L.64
Bursar For students who have questions about paying their tuition, collections information, or if they have a “Bursar” hold. The Bursar is the office that manages students’ financial accounts (not financial aid).
NB L.70
Financial Aid For students that have questions about their financial aid and/or about using grants, scholarships, loans, and federal work-study opportunities.
BMW 607
Jay Express One Stop Center that can answer questions and provide transactional services for Registrar, Financial Aid, Admissions, some Testing and Bursar issues and more.
212-663-7867 (Jay Express Call Center)
NB L.69
IT Help Desk For students seeking technological support such as access to e-mail, CUNYFirst/CUNYPortal, network/wireless connectivity and server issues.
NB L2.73.00
Computer Lab Services For students who need access to on-campus computers, printing and scanning services, online tutorials and applications. There is also a student laptop loan program for limited short-term use.
NB L2.72.00
For Public Safety issues and medical emergencies on campus, dial ext. 8888, which rings at all Public Safety locations.
Emergency Funding and Food Bank For students who are struggling with food insecurity or need emergency funds. There is a food bank and several emergency funding options (including grants, metro cards, and food vouchers) which are provided to students in need. Additional services include seasonal tax prep, financial counseling, and legal aid support.
NB L.68.00
Wellness Center For students who need resources to support their holistic wellness, the Wellness Center provides a spectrum of services including personal and group counseling, a full time nurse, health testing and resources.
NB L.68.00
Center for Career and Professional Development For students seeking support and resources to meet their career development needs: career counseling, job search assistance, resume and cover letter review, graduate school planning, job and internship fairs, workshop series, career panels, and employer information sessions.
NB L72.00
Pre-Law Institute and Post-Graduate Career Building and Job Search For students who have questions about entering law school, graduate school or other post-graduate academic opportunities such as fellowships and scholarships.
NB 8.66
ePortfolio Program For students working on academic or professional ePortfolios, offerings include workshops and one-on-one support for ePortfolio creation and maintenance.
212-237-8200 x 5810
L.73 NB
Library The library offers space for studying and researching. Students can work individually or in groups. The library provides access to books, research databases, and computer workstations. Students can get research assistance and attend workshops.
Haaren Hall
Math & Science Resource Center (MSRC) This center is for students seeking help with their computer science, math or science classes. The MSRC offers one-on-one, appointment-based tutoring free of charge to current John Jay students. Students must be enrolled in a course covered by the center in order to receive tutoring.
NB 1.94
Modern Language Center For students seeking support in their language courses, enrolled students can receive individual and small group tutoring, language learning technology, and self-study routines.
NB 7.64
Undergraduate Academic Advisement For students who have questions about their classes, graduation requirements, DegreeWorks, or have “Advising” holds on their CUNYFirst accounts. For students with Major Advising holds, they should see their major coordinator in the academic departments (ADV-MJADV). SEEK, ACE or Apple Corps students should see their advisors/counselors.
NB L.73.12
Writing Center For students seeking help with their writing and papers for class. The Writing Center provides tutoring and writing consultation to all undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in the College, along with many skills and co-curricular support
NB 1.68
Athletics For students seeking athletic opportunities on teams (basketball, cross country, soccer, softball, swimming, tennis, volleyball). All John Jay matriculated students (undergraduate and graduate) are also granted free access to the recreation and intramurals facilities with a valid student ID.
HH 421
Center for Student Involvement & Leadership For students seeking ways to get involved on campus, CSIL offers leadership development, cultural opportunities, civic engagement, and social activities. Students can also get information clubs and organizations.
NB L2.71.00
Student Academic Success Programs SASP First Year Programs are for undergraduate students who are not part of the APPLE Corps, ACE, Honors or SEEK programs and are interested/enrolled in a First Year Seminar. SASP Sophomore Programs are for students interested/ enrolled in Sophomore Signature courses. SASP Transfer and CJA programs are for incoming CUNY Justice Academy transfer students and students interested/enrolled in Transfer Transition Seminars. SASP Peer Success Coaching is for new freshmen and transfer students to get connected to campus services, identify special opportunities and plan for a successful Academic Journey.
SASP First Year Programs
SASP Sophomore Programs
SASP Transfer and CJA Programs
SASP Peer Success Coaching
NB L2.75
Student Council
NB L2.69
Office for Student Research & Creativity (OSRC) FFor students seeking research opportunities, the OSRC funds, supports, and recognizes student-faculty collaborative research and scholarship in all disciplines. OSRC also coordinates the annual Research & Creativity Expo in the spring.
HH 204.01
PRISM (Program for Research Initiatives in Science and Math) PRISM offers programming for John Jay students majoring in STEM. The PRISM Undergraduate Research Program (URP) provides science, math, and computer science students who are interested in the process of scientific research while completing their degree the opportunity to join a research project with a faculty member. The PRISM Junior Scholars Program provides academic support and advisement to science and math students of all levels. PRISM also supports CUNY Justice Academy (CJA) students who have transferred to John Jay to complete the forensic science major.
NB 5.61.00
Tech Talent Pipeline For computer science students seeking practical real-world training and experience. Candidates need to qualify before going through a rigorous winter, spring, and summer terms internship program at one of John Jay College’s employment host partners within New York City. Internships range from program and web development to IT roles to intelligence and cybersecurity operations. Students must be enrolled through the summer session to be eligible.
Undergraduate Honors Program For students seeking to join the Honors Program, which provides rigorous academic preparation for graduate and professional schools, support for research projects with faculty, and other intellectually engaging activities for high achieving students. Applications accepted annually from February 1 to April 1, to begin the program the following fall. Students must have less than 75 credits in order to join.
NB 8.64
Accessibility Services For students who need to obtain appropriate accommodations, support services and information related to documented disabilities.
NB L.66.01
Immigrant Student Success Center (ImSSC) For students, particularly immigrant students, seeking holistic support. The Center can refer these students to the appropriate John Jay, CUNY, or external resources as needed.
NB L2.69.11
John Jay Merch For students who want to order John Jay branded merchandise, including caps, T-shirts, hoodies, mugs, etc.
John Jay Online Bookstore For students who need options for purchasing course materials and shopping for the best price from other
sellers across the country.
LaBrenda Garrett-Nelson Children's Center For student-parents who are seeking childcare service. The Center provides quality care and education for children 6 months to 4 years.
NB L3.61.00
Military & Veterans Services The Center is committed to serving veterans, active duty service members, and their family members through vibrant and relevant higher education programs and veteran-focused support.
HH 229
Public Safety For students who need to get their John Jay ID cards, report incidents, know campus policies and procedures, and more.
Student Housing For students who need housing options, the College offers residence living at the New Yorker, which allows students to be close to campus and get more involved in campus events and community outreach programs.
NB L71.04
Urban Male Initiative (UMI) Open to all students on campus, but in particular students of color, seeking tutoring, mentoring, and building professional networks.
NB 73.01
Women's Center for Gender Justice For students who are seeking, or in need of, a space that provides educational programming,
counseling and activism centered around gender equity, LGBTQ rights, anti-violence education and other issues that promote gender equity.
NB L.67.00
Student Emergency Assistance
Through the generosity of donors, including the Petrie Foundation, the SEW grants support current students’ emergency needs so that they can stay in school and complete their degrees..
Maximum award: $1,500
What it Covers
- Loss of housing: provide financial assistance to help displaced or housing insecure students.
- Utility bills (water, electricity, gas, heat)
- Internet services bill for distance-learning purposes
- Temporary loss of student income, or childcare
- Unexpected medical and/or dental expenses
- Loss of clothing due to a catastrophic event
Who Is Eligible
Current undergraduate and graduate degree students, including undocumented students and students with DACA.
How to Apply
Students may apply for an SEW grant in the Wellness Center or visit the Emergency Funding webpage.
Wellness Center: Malaine Clarke, 212-621-4101, NB, L.68.00
The Financial Aid office at the College provides emergency loans to current students who need money immediately and cannot wait for their aid to disburse.
Maximum award: Varies, depending on individual student’s circumstances, and at the discretion of the Financial Aid Director and designee
What it Covers
Immediate, short-term needs for:
- Books and supplies
- Housing
- Transportation
Who Is Eligible
Current students who have a surplus in financial aid after their tuition and fees are covered.
How to Apply
Students need to request this personally from a Financial Aid Advisor.
Financial Aid Office (EMSA): 212-663-7867,, NB L.69
The LaBrenda Garrett-Nelson Children’s Center Scholarship, named after our generous alumna and John Jay College Foundation Board member, helps defray the cost of tuition and child care for current full-time students.
Maximum award: $1,250
What it Covers
- Tuition assistance
- Child care at the Children Center
Who Is Eligible
Current full-time undergraduate student who has completed at least one semester with a minimum 2.8 GPA, demonstrates financial need through a completed FAFSA, and has a child currently enrolled in the Children’s Center with regular attendance.
How to Apply
Students may apply for the Labrenda Scholarship in the Children’s Center and visit Scholarships page for more information.
Children’s Center: Nadia Griffith-Allen, 212-237-8119,, NB, L.68.30
Through the generosity of donors, including the Lang Foundation, the Immigrant Student Emergency Fund provides funding for immigration-status applications, costs related to detention, loss of job or housing due to status, and other related needs.
Maximum award: Varies
What It Covers
- DACA renewal fees
- Cost of legal representation
- Expenses due to detainment of family member
- Temporary income loss due to status
- Homelessness due to status
- Tuition
- Groceries
Who Is Eligible
Current students who identify as undocumented, TPS holders, or DACA recipients, or other students out of status, who are facing difficulty paying legal fees related to their immigration status.
How to Apply
Students may apply for the Immigrant Student Emergency Funds in the Immigrant Student Success Center.
Immigrant Student Success Center: 212-887-6248,, NB L.71
The College provides current students who need help with overcoming food insecurity with single-use food vouchers to cover the cost of healthy and well-balanced meal options from the campus cafeteria.
Maximum award: $6/voucher
What it Covers
- Food (MBJ Vouchers)
Who Is Eligible
All current students who are food insecure and/or experiencing an emergency.
How to Apply
Students may apply for a Food Voucher in the Wellness Center or visit the Emergency Funding webpage.
Wellness Center: Malaine Clarke, 212-621-4101,, NB, L.68.00
With funding from the Petrie Foundation, the College maintains a Food Pantry for current students and household family members who need help with overcoming food insecurity.
Maximum award: Value based on need and frequency of student shopping.
What it Covers
- Food for current students and their household members as needed
Who Is Eligible
Current students who are food insecure and/or experiencing an emergency.
How to Apply
Students may apply for access to the Food Pantry in the Wellness Center or by visiting the Emergency Funding webpage.
Wellness Center: Malaine Clarke, 212-621-4101,, NB, L.68.00
With funding from the Petrie Foundation, the College maintains a snack station with limited on-the-go snacks for current students who need help with overcoming food insecurity in order to attend class and activities on campus.
Maximum award: Value per meal is $4-6
What it Covers
- On-campus limited snacks and food
Who Is Eligible
All current students
How to Apply
No application necessary.
Wellness Center: Malaine Clarke, 212-621-4101,, NB L.68.00
Student Tuition/Book Assistance
The SET grants provide tuition assistance to current students who are facing emergencies that are a barrier to continuing with their degree program.
Maximum award: $1,500–$2,000
What it Covers
- Tuition assistance
Who Is Eligible
Current undergraduate and graduate degree students, including undocumented students and students with DACA, who are facing emergencies that are impeding their ability to continue forward in their degree program. This grant is for non-CUSP-participating students in good academic standing who owe $1,500 or less in tuition.
How to Apply
Students may apply for a SET grant in the Wellness Center or visit the Emergency Funding webpage.
Wellness Center: Malaine Clarke, 212-621 4101,, NB L.68.00
The Completion for Upper-division Student Program (CUSP) Completion Grants help clear unpaid tuition balances for undergraduate seniors in the CUSP cohort with 90+ credits.
Maximum award: Varies, depending on individual student balances—average is typically $1,500–$3,000
What it Covers
- Bursar balances for unpaid tuition
Who Is Eligible
CUSP Seniors, as identified by the College, with 90+ credits (not currently dismissed.) Students are identified part of the CUSP cohort during the summer before their senior year, an email will be sent from the CUSP office notifying the student is part of the cohort.
How to Apply
Students must first complete the FAFSA to determine need and remaining Financial Aid funding that could be applied, if any. (Undocumented students need not complete a FAFSA.) After FAFSA is loaded, Financial Aid advisor confirms need. Students should next meet with a CUSP Academic advisor to check eligibility, prepare a Graduation Completion Plan, and review other grant application materials required.
CUSP Office: Dana Prieto, 212-887-6213,, HH 221 and/or, HH 221
With funding from the Petrie Foundation, the College provides book vouchers to current students who need help with obtaining books for their courses.
Maximum award: $100–$500
What it Covers
- Books
Who Is eligible
Current students who have paid tuition to the College.
How to Apply
Students may apply for a Book Voucher in the Wellness Center or visit the Emergency Funding webpage.
Wellness Center: Malaine Clarke, 212-621-4101,, NB, L.68.00
FAQs About Book Vouchers
Q1: Who can apply?
A1: Students must be currently registered for courses and have paid tuition to the College
Q2: How can I apply?
A2: Email the emergency funding mailbox at and include a a copy of your course syllabus and a link to your book cart including shipping and handling from the John Jay College Bookstore (only).
Q3: When can a Book Voucher be requested?
A3: Students are encouraged to secure their textbooks early in the semester to ensure their academic success. Therefore, priority is given to applications submitted within the first two weeks of classes.
Q4: How does it work?
A4: A student can receive a Book Voucher once per semester in order to purchase up to $500.00 worth of textbooks and/or textbook codes. Because of this limit, before requesting a Book Voucher students are encouraged to check that all the textbooks and/or class codes they need to order with the Book Voucher are available at the John Jay College Bookstore.
Q5: Do I have to pay the Book Voucher back?
A5: No
Q6: Can I buy class codes with my Book Voucher?
A6: Yes. You can purchase only books and/or class codes listed on your class schedule.
Q7: Can I get a cash refund on my purchases?
A7: No. The Book Voucher has NO CASH VALUE.
This STEM Acceleration program provides winter and summer tuition assistance for STEM majors.
Maximum award: Balance for one course after all aid has been applied.
What it covers
- Winter and summer tuition fees (after all aid has been applied)
Who Is Eligible
Current STEM majors who are one class short of completing 30 or 60 credits within one or two years respectively
How to Apply
Eligible students will be identified and recruited by SASP.
SASP: Briana Gerena, 646-781-5233,, 018W
Summer Acceleration Tuition Waiver Program provides summer tuition assistance for eligible students.
Maximum award: Balance for one course after all aid has been applied.
What it Covers
- Summer tuition fees (after all aid has been applied)
Who Is Eligible
Undergraduate students who are one or two classes short of completing 30 credits within the academic year
How to Apply
Eligible students will be identified and recruited by SASP.
SASP: Briana Gerena, 646-781-5233,, 018W

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