The online application must be completed and submitted online.
To submit the online application, you will be required to create a CUNY Application account or log into your CUNYfirst account. It is strongly recommended that you complete the application using a desktop computer, instead of a mobile or tablet device.
Submit your non-refundable $70 application fee online with a credit or debit card or by sending a check or money order to CUNY/UAPC. Students sending a check or money order, may submit a money order payable to "CUNY" to the address listed below. Write your CUNYfirst ID number on your Application Summary.
Mail Code: 8870
P.O. Box 7247
Philadelphia, PA 19170-8770
Students currently enrolled in another CUNY college will be waived from the application fee. Veterans of the United States Military Service, currently on Active duty or members of the National Guard Reserves may obtain an application fee waiver by answering the US Military Status question on the CUNY application and submitting proof of their Veteran/Military status (ie., DD-214, Current Military ID Card, or Deployment or Pre-seperation orders).
Students must send official college transcript(s) from all post-secondary schools attended and high school transcript or GED documentation either electronically or via mail.
Submitting Electronically:
- transcripts@cuny.edu: Only to be used by High Schools or Colleges/Universities to send transcripts to us electronically.
- admissions@cuny.edu: Home School Students, Students Educated Outside of the United States, HSE Students. Please note that documents received will be considered unofficial.
However, if the institution that you previously or are currently attending does not offer the option to submit documents online you can send them to:
Transfer Admission
P.O. Box 350145
Brooklyn, NY 11235
If you are applying for financial aid, you may begin submitting your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) after submitting your online application. Click here to start your FAFSA application.
Once you submit your application, we will send you an email to log into CUNYfirst. CUNYfirst allows all applicants to check on the status of their applications and view decisions. More information on activating your CUNYfirst account and checking your application status.
We typically accept 60+ transfer credits. Use CUNY's Transfer Explorer to find out how your courses will transfer.
John Jay College accepts at equal value all transfer credits in college level academic courses with a passing grade [D- or better] from within CUNY, or C or better from an accredited college outside of CUNY (transfer credits from schools not on the semester system will be converted to semester credits). Students who complete courses outside CUNY with passing grades below a C will be excused from the equivalent courses at John Jay College but will not receive credits for them.
Credit may be awarded to students with sufficiently high passing scores on standardized tests offered by several external testing programs, such as Advanced Placement Program (AP), College-Level Examination Program (CLEP), and International Baccalaureate (IB), Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examinations (CAPE), and DSST.
For more information regarding credits by exam click here.
The college follows the recommendations of the American Council on Education (ACE) in granting credit for military training, based on review of students' military transcripts, up to a maximum of 45 credits. Members of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and National Guard order official transcripts through the Joint Services transcript (JST) system at https://jst.doded.mil. After requesting an official transcript through JST, notify the Evaluation Office at evaluations@jjay.cuny.edu and they will retrieve your transcript from the JST system. Members of the Air Force order official transcripts sent to John Jay from the Community College for the Air Force (CCAF) at http://www.au.af.mil/au/barnes/ccaf/transcripts.asp.
A maximum of 45 credits may be granted for verifiable college level learning from external, non-college sources, such as law enforcement or fire academies, military, or standardized tests. John Jay generally recognizes credit recommendations from the American Council on Education (ACE) and the National College Credit Recommendation Service (NCCRS). The college maintains lists of previously evaluated training, which will be used to evaluate a student’s documents for eligible transfer credit. John Jay also offers an individualized evaluation to determine credit for prior learning. In some cases, credit from prior learning may be deemed equivalent to one or more courses in a major/minor program of study.
Students who are graduates of the New York City Police Academy, the New York City Fire Academy, and the New York City Department of Corrections Academy are accepted as direct transfers to the College. In addition to transfer credits subject to the policies described above, these students also receive transfer credit based on their training, which has been evaluated by the College. These course credits vary by training academy and are published in the college bulletin. External credit for other police, fire and corrections training academies are evaluated by academic departments as the need arises. These credits may not exceed the College’s limit of 45 “external” credits.
A student with foreign credentials accepted to John Jay College and deemed by the University Application Processing Center, or by John Jay College, or by CUNY-approved credit evaluators, to have earned college credits at a postsecondary institution will be granted college credits at John Jay College on a case-by-case basis.
CUNY recommends the following two agencies for translation and evaluation: Josef Silny & Associates, Inc., International Education Consultants & Transcript Research
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