News & Events
Posted Novemeber 2022

Chelsea Binns, Director of the Center for Private Security & Safety, (pictured, 2nd from right) recently took a group of John Jay College students to a meeting of the Society of Professional Investigators. There, they met and networked with SPI President Paul Babakitis (pictured, center) and SPI members and heard from guest speaker Hon. George A. Grasso.
The Center for Private Security and Safety is delighted to announce a new and exciting partnership with the S2 Safety & Intelligence Institute.
The S2 Safety & Intelligence Institute has been in existence since 1998, and has trained thousands of security, intelligence, and law enforcement professionals in critical public safety topics. With a staff of world-class instructors, S2 has earned a reputation as one of the nation's premier sources for security and public safety training.
The S2 Safety & Intelligence Institute provides traditional classroom instruction and hands-on training at their three locations in Florida and at host of locations throughout the United States. Through their sister company, the S2 Online Academy, they also deliver high quality distance education to students throughout the world. Qualifying students represent hundreds of corporations and government organizations. Some examples of S2’s clients include the Federal Bureau of Prisons, US Capitol Police, US Department of Justice, and US Special Operations Command.
The partnership of pooled resources is already showing practical benefits. The Center for Private Security and Safety is now in a position to offer more holistic professional courses.
You can visit the John Jay College / S2 Safety and Intelligence Institute Web Portal by clicking here.