B.S., Chemistry and Fire Engineering (Globe Evaluation Services NY, based on the following:)
Bachelor of Science (Chemistry), University of Madras, India. 1973
MI (Fire)E Exam, The Institution of Fire Engineers, UK 1991
M.S. Fire Protection Engineeering, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, MA, USA. 1995
Leo Subbarao is an Adjunct Lecturer in the Security, Fire and Emergency Management Dept of John Jay College. He has stayed in Arkansas, Massachusetts, New York and Texas. He commenced his academic career in Chemistry at the University of Madras. While there he syntesised a new compound that was similar to the known anti-coagulant Dicoumarol. On graduating, he left and joined the Fire Engineering Comapnay, Mather and Platt. Mather and Platt was a UK based firm that owned the "Grinnel" brand name outside the USA. It went through several acquisitions by Wormald, Tyco and Johnson Controls. He was with them for 17 years and was familiar with all systems, water based, non water based, pumps and fire alarm systems, all components of which were manufactured by the company and installed by them. He later joind Larsen and Toubro (ECC Construction Group) to start a Fire Protection Unit for them. L&T is a Fortune 500 Company. While at WPI University he did research for the US Coast Guard. He joined New York City's Fire Department and was with them for 20 years and before leaving was in the Management Cadre. He was instrumental in developing new codes for green technology and energy storage systems besides other responsibilities. He serves on many Fire Committees, NFPA, UL and CSA. He was commended by the Fire Commissioner for his explanation of the Long Island Gemeral Supply Company explosion that resulted in the deaths of three first responders. He now teaches at John Jay College and is passionate about all things Fire.
Carrent courses
Analysis of Urban Hazardous Materials, Tactics and Strategy. FIS 209-99
Fire Protection Systems FIS 202-99
Fire Dynamics FIS 257-99
Fellow - The Institution of Fire Engineers
Profession Member - SFPE
Fire Marshall Designee - Center for Public Safety Excellence
Co-authored with Prof Robert Zalosh a document based on an experimental research project carried out by him for the US Coast Guard titled "Fire and Explosion Hazards of Grade E Cargo: Phase 2- Vapor Flammability Tests" Conract No DTCG39-94-F-E0041" The research investigated explosions on barges carrying cargo such as Fuel Oil No.6 . The experimental apparatus was designed and the fabrication supervised by him. The work was used to publish a paper "Investigation of Grade E Cargo Flammability" by LCDR Dave Alley.
He wrote the chapter on Energy Storage Ssytems in Very Tall Buildings for the book "Fire Safety for Very Tall Buildings. Engineering Guide", 2nd Edition published by Springer.
James J. Johnston Memorial Medal 2007 for Green Technologies
James J. Johnston Memorial Medal 2019 for Battery Energy Storage Systems
Commendation letter by the Fire Commisioner 2001 for explaning the reason for the explosion that killed 3 First Responders
The experimental research project carried out by him for the US Coast Guard was titled "Fire and Explosion Hazards of Grade E Cargo: Phase 2- Vapor Flammability Tests" Conract No DTCG39-94-F-E0041" The research investigated explosions on barges carrying cargo such as Fuel Oil No.6 . Several incidents occured when the cargo was loaded and unloaded off barges. The experimental apparatus was designed and the fabrication supervised by him. Though the oil was designated as combustible material, it was found to give off a mixture of propane, butane and pentane the igniion of which was the cause of the incidents. He believes the US Coast Guard changed their regulations for the transportation of this No.6 fuel oil.
The work was used to publish a paper "Investigation of Grade E Cargo Flammability" by LCDR Dave Alley of the US Coast Guard.