Reimagine Public Safety Pledge

This Pledge is a call for mayors and local officials to invest in public safety strategies and programs that engage community partners to effectively address violence and crime and heal communities.
In partnership with Cities United and The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, with support from the Obama Foundation's My Brother's Keeper Alliance, John Jay has launched the Reimagine Public Safety Pledge.
This Pledge is directed to mayors and other local elected officials (such as city or county managers), and it invites them to introduce and fund community-driven public safety strategies that:
1. Empower Communities to Address Violence: Establish programs, policies, offices, and budgets that enable community partners to actively contribute to reducing violence and promoting neighborhood safety.
2. Invest in Off-Ramps from the Criminal Legal System: Fund strategies, programs, and services that address the underlying reasons that people and/or communities have high rates of contact with the criminal legal system.
3. Invest in community health and well-being to prevent violence and crime: Invest in the strategies that support safe, healthy communities and address the root causes of violence and crime to ensure that all young Americans have the opportunities they need to reach their full potential, as outlined in the MBK Six Milestones.
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Take the Pledge
Join other communities across the country that have already committed to investing in community-led and community-driven strategies addressing violence and crime.
These workshops focus on providing information on a range of community-centered public safety strategies and approaches.
The Reimagine Public Safety Pledge Resource Hub provides information on guidance, research, and funding related to the three focus areas of the Reimagine Public Safety Pledge.