Our students are the heart and soul of all that we do in the Interdisciplinary Studies Program (ISP). Find answers to your questions here!

What is the ISP program?

To find out more about our program, click here.

What classes is ISP offering this semester?

To see our schedule of classes for the current semester, click here.

Are there experienced ISP students to help me?

To learn about the ISP student ambassadors, click here.

What do ISP students say about the ISP experience?

To hear what our students and alumni say about ISP, click here.

Is there a guide that has answers to all my ISP questions?

For our student guide, click here.

What are some of the fun things we do in ISP?

To see a few of the amazing activities our students have been up to, click here.

What special awards are open to me as an ISP student?

The Department honors its students with three different awards:

  • The Billie Kotlowitz Incentive Award for outstanding first-year students in ISP.
  • The Bill Markowitz Scholarship Award ($2,500) for outstanding sophomore who is minoring in Interdisciplinary Studies.
  • The Graduation Award for outstanding graduating senior, awarded to a student who has taken at least 10 ISP classes.

Who can I talk to if I have more questions?

Find all our amazing faculty here!

To reach out to us with more questions, click here!