Political Science Major & Minor

Capital Building
Capital Building

Political Science is designed to enhance your knowledge of politics, policy, governance, and government ranging from a global to a local perspective. It will help you become a more knowledgeable citizen capable of reasoned judgments on political issues and ideas.


The discipline of Political Science includes a number of subfields. Topics of study include the role of law and courts in the functioning of government; comparative examinations of different political systems; and theories of the interactions between nations. In addition, you will be exposed to concepts of justice, citizenship, and participation, among others.

  • Form and express cogent arguments as you engage in intellectually grounded debate
  • Communicate reasoned judgments on political issues and ideas
  • Initiate, develop, and present independent research
  • Demonstrate familiarity with the major theories and ideas in the different subfields in Political Science

We provide many different experiential learning opportunities, where you'll be able to take what you learn in the classroom and connect it to real-world experiences. For example, you can participate in:


Public Affairs Internships

You can apply for several academic, public affairs internships that are part of the major including the Bronx District Attorney’s College Clerkship Program (POL 277), the Judicial Internship Program (LWS 378), NYC Council members and/or other public and non-profit offices (POL 406) and state legislators (POL 407).


Model United Nations

You can apply to join our award-winning Model United Nations Team that organizes events on global issues and participates in the National Model United Nations (NMUN) Conference held every spring in NYC.


Research Assistantships

You can participate in faculty-led research experiences (POL 385 & POL 387).

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