Academic Planning Tools

You might think you know very well who you are, but often life is going so fast that most people don’t really take the time to reflect on their values, interests, goals, and strengths. If you consciously make the effort to do this, you can know yourself better and are more likely to make choices that are a good fit for you.

When you ask yourself the questions we offer here, remember to be very honest and don’t worry about what anyone else would think of you. Often students can become too preoccupied with who they think they should be or what they think they should want, and our purpose here is to keep the focus on knowing who you actually are and what you actually want.

Some of the best choices in life start with this kind of honest self-assessment!

Your Personality

Questions to ask yourself

Your Values

Questions to ask yourself

Your General Abilities

Questions to ask yourself

You and Academics

Questions to ask yourself

You and Work/Career

Questions to ask yourself