Learning Management User Guides & Tutorials
CUNY.edu main website (login for CUNY-wide services)
CUNY Resources
- Hostos EdTech Faculty Teaching Tools for Brightspace Transition
- Hostos EdTech Faculty 5 Things for a Smooth LMS Transition
- Hostos EdTech Brightspace Guidelines for Faculty
- Hostos EdTech Add Content Using Topics in Brightspace
- Hostos EdTech Brightspace Assignments
- Hostos EdTech Create and Organize Discussions in Brightspace
- Hostos EdTech Organize Course Materials in Brightspace Using (Sub) Modules
- Hostos EdTech Master Comprehensive Grade Management Using the Grades Tool
- Hostos EdTech Streamline Grading Across Courses with Quick Eval
- CUNY Brightspace Frequently Asked Questions
D2L Brightspace Resources
Join the Brightspace Community (registration page)
- Brightspace Guided Training for Instructors (account required)
- Brightspace Community Events (live webinar schedule and registration)
- Getting Started (Instructor webinar recording)
- Content (Instructor webinar recording)
- Assignments (Instructor webinar recording)
- Quizzes (Instructor webinar recording)
- Discussions (Instructor webinar recording)
- Grades (Instructor webinar recording)
- Instructor Video Tutorials (YouTube playlist)
- Student Video Tutorials (YouTube playlist)
DOES LMS Support Resources
Developmental Course Request Form
Note: Developmental courses are used for developing course materials and structure for later use in live courses. DEV courses do not include student enrollment.
Brightspace Manual Enrollment Form (Send completed form to Associate Provost office for approval at: apfaculty@jjay.cuny.edu )
Course Merge Request Form
Note: This form is for section merges only. Cross-listed courses, for example LAW 313 and POL 313, the LMS Team will be merging those courses manually under the prefix that is first alphabetically. In the above example, the LAW 313 would be the Target course where all materials and students would reside.
Activate your course - This will make your course available and visible to students! - (D2L Help)
Export Course from Blackboard and Import Course into Brightspace
Export Course from Blackboard and Import into Brightspace (video)
Copy Course Components (video - D2L Help)
Note: Instructors must start the Course Copy within the current course. For example, if you want to copy Fall 2023 into Fall 2024 course, you will start the process in Fall 2024 course.
Customize Course Nav Bar (D2L Help)
Build Your Brightspace Course from Scratch (D2L Help)
Test | |||
Add and Organize Content (D2L Help)
About Brightspace Text Editor (D2L Help)
What are Due, Start and End Dates? (video - D2L Help)
Add External Content to a Course (video - D2L Help)
Manage Dates - Offset Dates (video - D2L Help)
Adding Course Materials to Dropbox
Brightspace Email and Notification Delivery (DOES LMS Support)
Create an Announcement (D2L Help)
Enable Notifications in Announcements (D2L Help)
Discussions in Brightspace (D2L Help)
Create a Discussion Forums and Topics (D2L Help)
Manage Discussion Forums and Topics (D2L Help)
Use Discussions for Journaling (D2L Help)
Create Groups (D2L Help)
Overview of Group Enrollment Options (video - D2L Help)
Modify Group Enrollment (video - D2L Help)
Email Tool (D2L Help)
Create and Insert a Video Note (D2L Help)
About Calendar Tool (D2L Help)
Create a Calendar Event (D2L Help)
Add Zoom link to Brightspace Content (DOES LMS Support)
About Media Library (D2L Help)
Media Library Overview (video - D2L Help)
Create Blackboard Collaborate Ultra Session
Evaluate Discussions using the Discussions tool
Grade a Discussion Topic (video)
Create and Manage Assignments (D2L Help)
Grade Submissions in Assignments (video - D2L Help)
What are Due, Start and End Dates? (video - D2L Help)
Brightspace Assignments vs. Turntin LTI Assignments (CUNY - Hostos College)
Turnitin Version Comparison - John Jay Brightspace
Adding Third-Party Tools in Brightspace (Turnitin, VoiceThread, PlayPosit)
About Release Conditions (D2L Help)
Set Release Conditions and Special Access for Assignments (D2L Help)
Quizzes in Brightspace (D2L Help)
Create and Manage Quizzes (D2L Help)
Create a Quiz (video - D2L Help)
Question Types (D2L - Help)
Overview of Question Types (video - D2L Help)
Preview a Quiz as a Learner (video - D2L Help)
Question Library (D2L Help)
Copy Question Library from one course to another (video - D2L Help)
Create Randomized Question Pool (D2L Help)
Create and Edit Turnitin Assignment
Accessing Turnitin Student Submissions
Grades in Brightspace (D2L Help)
About Grades (D2L Help)
Manage Grades (D2L Help)
Enter Grades (D2L Help)
Delete a Grade Item/Column in Grades
Grade Display Settings - Ungraded Items
Set Release Conditions for Grades (D2L Help)
Navigating Inline Grades (D2L Help)
Grade with QuickEval (D2L Help)
Setup Grading Systems (D2L Help)
Setup Grade book (D2L Help)
Grade an Assignment (D2L Help)
Grade an Assignment within the Assignment tool (video - D2L Help)
Evaluate and Grade Discussions (D2L Help)
Grade a Discussion topic (video - D2L Help)
Evaluate Quizzes using the Quiz tool (D2L Help)
Manually Grade Quizzes (video - D2L Help)
Create a rubric using the Rubrics tool (D2L Help)
Create and Edit a Rubric (video - D2L Help)
Track Class Progress (D2L Help)
Grade Turnitin Student Submissions
- John Jay Brightspace Student Announcement - August 2024
- John Jay Email and Notification Settings in Brightspace (Important - Please Read)
- Brightspace Student Video Tutorials (YouTube playlist - D2L Help)
- John Jay Brightspace Student User Guide
Navigate Brightspace and Find your course (D2L Help)
John Jay Brightspace Student User Guide
Self-enroll into a Brightspace Organization
Brightspace Virtual Assistant (video - D2L Help)
Glossary of Terms (D2L Help)
Brightspace Pulse App (D2L Help)
Bb Student Tutorial (video recording)
How to Access Blackboard Collaborate for Students
Navigate Content (D2L Help)
Navigate Content as a Learner (video - D2L Help)
Work To Do Widget (D2L Help)
Announcement Overview (D2L Help)
Calendar Overview (D2L Help)
Manage course events with Calendar tool (D2L Help)
Class Progress Overview (D2L Help)
Class Progress Overview (video - D2L Help)
Discussions Overview (D2L Help)
Create a Discussion Board Post (video - D2L Help)
Enroll in a Group (video - D2L Help)
Email Tool (D2L Help)
Brightspace Pulse App Overview (D2L Help)
Brightspace Pulse App Overview (video - D2L Help)
Assignments Overview (video - D2L Help)
Submit and manage assignments (D2L Help)
Using the Quizzes Tool (D2L Help)
How to Take a Quiz (video - D2L Help)
Troubleshooting issues with Quizzes (D2L Help)
Understanding Grades (D2L Help)
Submit and View Turnitin Assignment
Brightspace Virtual Assistant (D2L Help)