Patience Yeboah

Patience Yeboah


Senior Academic Transfer Advisor, Completion for Upper-division Students Program (CUSP)
BA, Pace University
MA, CUNY John Jay College of Criminal Justice

If I wasn't an Academic Advisor I would have been an entrepreneur with a major fashion brand specializing in custom African attire.

My major in college was Political Science and I chose it because of my love for history and politics in high school.

The top three life skills that I learned while in college are:
1) Time management is more than just creating the right schedule.  It is understanding your learning and study patterns.
2) Liberal arts courses are a great way to find new passions and skills.
3) It's an adventure that will shape your character if you embrace the good and bad moments.

My favorite book is:
Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston.

If my life had a theme song it would be She Works Hard for the Money by Donna Summer.