Sophomore Milestones

The Sophomore Milestones chart your progress along the Academic Journey and help you focus on what matters most in order to successfully complete the Sophomore year and prepare for the challenges ahead. Each milestone you meet will bring you closer to achieving the sophomore milestones and ultimately your academic and career goals.

1. Develop a network of supportive peers, professors, and mentors

People in your network can connect you to opportunities and provide you with strong recommendations.
Your next steps:

  • Join student clubs, form study groups, and attend campus events to develop a network of students who share your interests and goals.
  • Build a mentoring relationship with professors in the classes you enjoy the most; meet with them during office hours to explore topics and get advice.
  • Develop a professional social media presence (LinkedIn, Facebook, ePortfolio). Ask a career counselor how to meet professionals in different fields.

2. Research majors and minors and make the choice that is right for you

Understanding your options will help you make a choice that matches your interests and goals.
Your next steps:

  • Make a list of majors, minors, and careers that you are interested in.
  • Meet with an academic advisor and a career counselor to help narrow your choices. Research course requirements on the John Jay website.
  • Meet with the faculty advisors for the majors, minors, or certificate programs you want to learn more about.

3. Build your professional skills by completing workshops, internships, leadership or research opportunities

Having this experience on your resume is essential to be competitive for a career position or graduate school.
Your next steps:

  • Get a head start on learning about opportunities by attending the Sophomore Kickoff.
  • Visit the Career Center and the Office of Community Outreach to learn about internship opportunities, including the CUNY Service Corps.
  • Contact the Office of Undergraduate Research about working with a professor. Learn about leadership opportunities at the Center for Student Involvement & Leadership.

