Adjunct Assistant Professor
Phone number
Room number
7.66 - New Building

BA - English Language and Literature - Università IULM - Istituto Universitario di Lingue Moderne - Milano, Italy

MA - Comparative Literature and Film - Università IULM - Istituto Universitario di Lingue Moderne - Milano, Italy


Paola Romagnani, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Italian at CUNY's John Jay College of Criminal Justice and Baruch College, received her Bachelor's degree in English Language and Literature and Master's Degree in Comparative Literature and Film from IULM University in Milano, Italy. 

She has taught Italian at all levels at New York University from 2002 to 2012.

She currently teaches Italian language and culture. She has published several magazine articles on Italian, American, and international cinema and a monograph on film director Jim Jarmusch (Jim Jarmusch, una storia independente, Cinetecnica Edizioni, 2002).


Courses Taught

ITA 101

ITA 102

ITA 201

Masterpieces of Italian Literature

Contemporary Italian Cinema 

English, Italian, French