John Jay Professors Jonathan Gray, Alexandra Moffet-Bateau, and Richard Ocejo were named to the new cohort of CUNY’s Black, Race and Ethnic Studies Initiative (BRESI) Faculty Fellows. The three are part of 65 scholars, all connected to The Graduate Center, who were awarded funding to pursue research or create new courses in Black, Race and Ethnic Studies.
The Mellon Foundation supports the fellowships with a $3 million gift. This is the second year the fellowships have been awarded.
Research Faculty Fellows

Alexandra Moffet-Bateau, Assistant Professor of Political Science
Blackness, Intersectionality, Disability, and Politics Project

Jonathan Gray, Associate Professor of English
Black American Resistance to the Reagan Revolution
Curriculum Development Faculty Fellow

Richard E. Ocejo, Professor of Sociology (with Ismael Garcia-Colon, Professor of Anthropology, College of Staten Island)
International Migration, Race, and Ethnicity
Last year, ten John Jay professors were awarded BRESI grants to work on topics ranging from The Histories and Legacies of Anti-Latinx Violence in the United States to Quantum Justice: Global Girls Writing and Performing Spoken Word Poetry for Social Change.