Crossing the street to JJ

Degree & Certificate Programs

Graduate Programs

Master's Programs, PhD Programs, and Graduate Certificates

Undergraduate Programs

Bachelor's Programs, Dual Degree Programs, and Undergraduate Certificates

College Bulletins

Official source for academic policies, program requirements, and course descriptions

Andrew Sidman Headshot
Andrew H. Sidman, Interim Dean of Academic Programs
Dean's Welcome

Welcome to the Office of Academic Programs! Our focus is on the development and growth of our traditional and online Undergraduate, and Graduate programs. We take our mission to heart and take seriously our mandate to help students grow into fierce advocates for justice. We do this by promoting curricula that develop the skills and knowledge that are essential for thriving in the modern world. We offer programs that embody our Seven Principles for a Culturally Responsive, Inclusive, and Anti-Racist Curriculum. And we use evidence from regular assessment to guide the growth of our students. Thank you for taking the time to look into the amazing program we offer.

Academic Programs

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530 Haaren Hall