Transfer Program

Information for Special Program Transfer Students

The SEEK Transfer Program provides participants with academic and counseling assistance that facilitate the process of transfer students' transition into John Jay College.  During Transfer Orientation, transfer students have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the campus and the different kinds of opportunities that are available to them as a new student transitioning into John Jay College. The college’s academic policies and graduation requirements are reviewed to build the connections around academic advisement, selection of a major and registering for courses.

The goals of the SEEK Transfer Program are:

  • To integrate participants into John Jay College.
  • To ensure that transfer students understand the College's policies and SEEK Program policies.
  • To review the college’s graduation, and requirements for the continued receipt of Financial Aid, as it pertains to the transfer student population
  • To provide participants with Counseling, Academic Support services, Financial Aid and Career Support services

Please Note: Students who are transferring from a Special Opportunity Programs (i.e. SEEK, HEOP, EOP, CD), must submit a Special programs Transfer Request form  PDF  and it must be completed prior to the beginning of the intended transfer semester, in order to officially transfer your  Special Opportunity Programs status to the John Jay SEEK Department.

The SEEK Department provides additional orientation support, financial aid, personal and academic counseling, academic support for all levels, peer mentor support, and referral services to the broader college community. To contact a member of the SEEK department.

  • Complete the online CUNY transfer application by clicking on this link:
  • The SEEK program will only accept transfer students who were previous enrolled in another higher education opportunity program such as College Discovery/SEEK (CUNY), HEOP (private colleges) and EOP (state colleges). Each applicant is required to complete the  Special Programs Transfer Request Form. Your current/former counselor may upload the completed Special Programs Transfer Request Form here.

For inquires about the SEEK Transfer Program:

For inquiries about general admissions and Transfer Credit Evaluation Workshops, by invitation for new transfer students, students must contact the Office of Admissions at 212.237.8873. Prior to registering, students must receive a preliminary evaluation of academic work completed at previous colleges. 

As you begin the transfer process please consider the following guidelines:



John Jay Transfer Student Resources

Virtual Transfer Tuesdays


The Percy Ellis Sutton SEEK Department
524 West 59th Street
432 Haaren Hall, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10019
Contact: 212-237-8169
Fax: 212-237-8904