CUSP has been featured in numerous articles and interviews recognizing its amazing work and success. See below some of the recently published articles.

How AI increased the Graduation Rate at John Jay
How AI increased the Graduation Rate at John Jay

Million Dollar Gray Foundation Gift
Million Dollar Gray Foundation Gift

CUSP Welcomes Seniors
CUSP Welcomes Seniors, Offering Them a Clear Path to Success

Sassi Kachhelo ’21 Credits CUSP Program with Helping Her Graduate on Time
Sassi Kachhelo ’21 Credits CUSP Program with Helping Her Graduate on Time

Jasmine Jackson ’21 Reaches Her Grad School Dreams with the Help of the CUSP Program
Jasmine Jackson ’21 Reaches Her Grad School Dreams with the Help of the CUSP Program

(Español) IA demuestra en Nueva York que puede prevenir abandono escolar y busca llegar a todo EUA
(Español) IA demuestra en Nueva York que puede prevenir abandono escolar y busca llegar a todo EUA

A ‘wildly intrusive’ way to help older college students get their degrees
A ‘wildly intrusive’ way to help
older college students get their degrees
older college students get their degrees
On the Edge of Glory
The new Completion for Upper-division Students Program (CUSP) supports seniors with 90-plus credits, removing any obstacles blocking their pathway to success. Pg. 14-17
To make an appointment with a CUSP Senior Academic Advisor via EAB/Navigate. Click here to learn how to schedule an appointment.