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6.63.06 NB

1981 PhD SUNY Stony Brook
1979 MS SUNY Stony Brook
1976 BA Queens College


After finishing his undergraduate degree in mathematics, Doug Salane went on to complete his PhD in applied mathematics with a specialization in numerical analysis. Doug has held positions with Exxon Corp., Sandia National Laboratories, and Argonne National Laboratories. He has been a faculty member at John Jay since 1988. For 12 years he has served as coordinator of College’s Computer Information Systems Major and is currently a member of the graduate faculty in Forensic Computing. He teaches graduate courses in network forensics and data communication security. In 2006, Doug became the director of the Center for Cybercrime Studies at John Jay. The Center brings together expertise in law, computing, and the social sciences in an effort to understand and deter computer related criminal activity. Doug is a member of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), and the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM).