Ph.D. Rutgers University-Newark, School of Criminal Justice (2012, Criminal Justice)
M.A. CUNY - John Jay College of Criminal Justice (2006, Criminal Justice)
B.A. Hartwick College (2000, Political Science, minor in French)
Dr. GOHAR PETROSSIAN is Associate Professor in the Department of Criminal Justice, Director of the International Crime and Justice Master’s Program at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, and Deputy Executive Officer of the CUNY Graduate Center Criminal Justice Doctoral Program. Dr Petrossian is also the co-editor of the Problem-Oriented Policing Guides (at the popcenter.org) for Wilderness Problems. She is a quantitative researcher and crime scientist, and her research focuses on testing the application of environmental criminology and opportunity theories of crime to explain wildlife crime, with a particular focus on illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing. Dr. Petrossian has published extensively on the topic of wildlife trafficking and IUU fishing. She is the author of the book The Last Fish Swimming: The Global Crime of Illegal Fishing (Global Crime and Justice Series. ABC-CLIO, LLC, Praeger Imprint) published in 2019.