Ph.D., Clinical Psychology, Carlos Albizu University
Professor, John Jay College of Criminal Justice-Department of Latin American & Latinx Studies, & Member of Ph.D. Faculty in Critical Social/Personality Psychology; & the Social Welfare, Ph.D. Program, Graduate Center-City University of New York.
He is the co-editor with Louis Kontos and David C. Brotherton of Gangs and Society: Alternative Perspective (2003-Columbia University); co-author with David C. Brotherton of Almighty Latin King & Queen Nation: Street Politics and the Transformation of a New York City Gang (2004-Columbia University); and co-editor with Dr. Mauro Cerbino of Otras naciones: Jóvenes, transnacionalismo y exclusión. Quito: Ecuador: Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales. Dr. Barrios is also the author of Josconiando: Dimensiones Sociales y políticas de la espiritualidad (2000-Editorial Aguiar), Pitirreando: De la desesperanza a la esperanza (2004-Editorial Edil) and Coquiando: Meditaciones subversivas para un mundo mejor (2008-Editorial Búho).
Awarded in December 2014 Honorary Professorship from the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo-UASD- Law & Political Sciences Faculty.
Fr. Luis Barrios is also a priest with the Anglican-Episcopal Church Diocese of New York.
Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization-IFCO; Board of Directors
St. Ann’s Corner of Harm Reduction; Co-founder & President Board of Director
Consultant: International Human Rights Association of American Minorities (IHRAAM)
American Psychological Association
Puerto Rico Psychological Association
Brotherton, D., & Barrios, L. (2017). Las Pandillas como Movimiento Social. El
Salvador: UCA Editores.
Brotherton, D.C. & Barrios, L. (2011). Banished to the Homeland: Dominican Deportees
and their Stories of Exile. New York: Columbia University Press.
Cerbino, M. & Barrios, L. (2008) (Eds.). Otras naciones: Jóvenes, transnacionalismo y
exclusión. Quito: Ecuador: Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales.
Barrios, L. (2007). Gangs and Spirituality. In, John M. Hagedorn (Ed.). Gangs in the
Global City” Alternatives to Traditional Criminology. Chicago: University of Illinois Press. pp. 225-247.
Barrios, L.; Brotherton, D.; & Esparza, M. (2006). Barcelona desde Nueva York. Amor
de rey de corazón: transnazionalizando la resistencia. In Feixa, C. (dir); Porzio, L.; Recio, C. (coords). Jóvenes latinos en Barcelona. Espacio público y cultura urbana, Barcelona: Anthropos-Ajuntament de Barcelona. pp. 281-294.
Brotherton, D.C. & Barrios, L. (2004). The Almighty Latin King and
Queen Nation: Street Politics and the Transformation of a New York City Gang. New York: Columbia University Press.
- 2017- Illustrious Lifetime Achievement Award-Community Advocacy. Institute for Latino Studies & Research, New Jersey. September 23, 2017.
- 2015-Jamie Favaro Founder's Award-Celebrating a Decade of Harm Reduction-Washington Heights Corner Project, October 22, 2015.
- 2015-Recognition for extraordinary work-harm reduction activism. St. Ann's Corner of Harm Reduction, Bronx, New York. September 20, 2015.
- 2009-Recognitionfor extraordinary support of Ronald H. Brown Summer Law School Prep Program. August 3, 2009; John Jay College of Criminal Justice.
- 2008-Nomination- For the Outstanding Newspaper Columnist Award, 19th Annual Media Awards - Spanish Language. Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD), March 27, 2008, Marriot Hotel, New York City
- 2008-Outstanding Contribution to the Ecuadorian Youths. Proyecto Social de Los Reyes. Quito, Ecuador. March 3, 2008
- 2007-Outstanding Contribution to the Puerto Rican Community. El Maestro Cultural & Educational Center. February 10, 2007.
Currently working on two book manuscripts: One is a critical ethnography case study that describes my research experience in the Dominican-Haitian border, and the other is a photo ethnography from the border.