2017 Ph.D. in Development Economics: Social and Labor Economics
University of Campinas, Brazil
2009 Master’s in Labor Policies and Globalization
University of Kassel and Berlin School of Economics and Law, Germany
2007 Certificate in Labor Economics and Trade Unionism
University of Campinas, Brazil
2005 Bachelor of Arts in International Relations
Ibero Americano College, Brazil
Economics Professor at John Jay College (City University of New York - CUNY). Faculty at the Brooklyn Institute for Social Research specializing in Political Economy and Economics. Brazilian, Ph.D. in Development Economics: Social and Labor Economics, UNICAMP, and visiting scholar at York University, Toronto, Canada. Master of Arts in Labor Policies and Globalization at Kassel University, Germany. Certificate in Labor Economics (UNICAMP), and Bachelor of Arts in International Relations. Research focus: Capitalism and its particularities in underdeveloped countries, and labor and gender. Held positions as Director of the Department of Alternative Income at the Municipal Secretary’s office for Policies for Women for the City of São Paulo and Administrative Coordinator for the International Master’s Program of the Global Labour University at the University of Campinas, Brazil (UNICAMP).
Current courses
· Introduction to Economics and Global Capitalism (ECO 101)
· Intermediate Macroeconomics (ECO 220)
· Political Economy of Gender (ECO 727)
Previous courses
Brooklyn Institute for Social Research (BISR)
· What is Economic Democracy?
· Social Reproduction Theory: Gender, Labor, and Capitalism
· Capital, Colony, Core: An Introduction to World-Systems Analysis
· Introduction to Marxist Economics
· Giovanni Arrighi: The Long 20th Century
· Macroeconomics: A Critical Introduction
· International Political Economy
· Rosa Luxemburg: The Accumulation of Capital
· Feminist Economics
· Modern Monetary Theory: A Critical Introduction
· Labor and Capitalism: An Introduction to Labor Economics
· Off the Books: Labor, Inequality, and the Informal Economy
· Development and Underdevelopment: Political Economy and Colonialism
· Time and Capitalism
· Economics and the Value of Everything: An Introduction to Mariana Mazzucato
· The Wages of Precarity: Labor and Neoliberalism
· Capitalism and Creative Destruction: An Introduction to Joseph Schumpeter
Founding Member of the Young Scholars member committee of the International Association for Feminist Economics (IAFFE).
Organizer of the Gender Working Group of the Young Scholars Initiative (YSI) of the Institute for New Economic Thinking.
Member of LABIEB a multidisciplinary research group on development studies at the University of São Paulo
Member of As Pensadoras, a feminist scholars’ network based in Brazil.
Journal Articles
2022 Fares, Lygia Sabbag, Ana Luíza Matos De Oliveira. “Free To Choose? The Gendered Impacts of Flexible Working Hours in Brazil.” Review of Radical Political Economics. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/355890308_Free_to_Choose_The_Gendered_Impacts_of_Flexible_Working_Hours_in_Brazil
2022 Oliveira, Ana Luíza Matos De, And Lygia Sabbag Fares. 2022. “Sexual Division of Labour in Brazil: Interpretations of Domestic and Care Work Under COVID-19.” Agenda, January, 1–12. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/357914386_Agenda_Sexual_division_of_labour_in_Brazil_Interpretations_of_domestic_and_care_work_under_COVID-19
2021 Fares, Lygia Sabbag. Flaskô: une Usine Gérée par Les Travailleurs. In AUTOGESTION L’encyclopédie Internationale. Vol. 10. Paris, France. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/351497305_Flasko_une_usine_geree_par_les_travailleurs
2020 Fares, Lygia Sabbag, Ana Luíza Matos de Oliveira. Increasing Inequality in Working Time: an International Trend. Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Economia Política. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/344119661_Increasing_inequality_in_working_time_an_international_trend
Book Chapters
2021 Fares, Lygia Sabbag, Ana Luíza Matos de Oliveira, and Lílian Nogueira Rolim. “Working, Caring, Surviving: The Gender Dynamics of Remote Work in Brazil Under COVID-19.” In Handbook of Research on Remote Work and Worker Well-Being in the Post-COVID-19 Era, edited by Daniel Wheatley, Irene Hardhill, and Sarah Buglass. Hershey, PA. IGI Global https://www.researchgate.net/publication/350511722_Working_Caring_Surviving_the_gender_dynamics_of_remote_work_in_Brazil_under_Covid-19
2021 Fares, Lygia Sabbag, Ana Luíza Matos de Oliveira, Luisa Cardoso, Raquel Guimarães, and Nassif Luiza Pires. “Gendered Impacts of COVID-19 in Brazil: A Preliminary Assessment.” In Decent Work or Decent Income “Corona Crisis” Experiences, edited by Lygia Sabbag Fares and Pedro Henrique Evangelista Duarte. Augsburg: Nomos Rainer Hampp Verlag. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/356136785_2_Gendered_impacts_of_COVID-19_in_Brazil_a_preliminary_assessment
2020 Fares, Lygia Sabbag and Oliveira, Ana Luíza Matos. A Feminist Perspective on the 2017 Labor Reform in Brazil: Impacts on Higher Education Faculty. WALKER, M. In Female voices from the worksite. Lexington Books. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/348432263_A_feminist_perspective_on_the_2017_Labor_Reform_in_Brazil_Impacts_on_higher_education_faculty
Award: Emerging Leaders of the Americas grant awarded by the Canadian Government
PhD Scholarship: International Centre for Development and Decent Work and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
Lygia Sabbag Fares research aims to understand capitalism as a social system, and its particularities in underdeveloped countries, and on labor and gender. She examines the dialectical structure of how various countries form and adapt the general tendencies of the overarching capitalist system into specific arrangements of class, race, and gender exploitation.