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PhD    University of Leeds



Richard Haw completed his Ph.D. in his hometown at the University of Leeds in the UK before permanently settling in New York in 2001.   He has written on a variety of subjects--literature, history, engineering, architecture, painting, photography--and his essays have appeared in Dreams of Paradise, Visions of Apocalypse (VU, 2004), New York History , the Journal of American Studies , Seaport and others.   He is the author of The Brooklyn Bridge: A Cultural History (Rutgers University Press, 2005), Art of the Brooklyn Bridge: A Visual History (Routledge, 2008), and Engineering America: The Life and Times of John A. Roebling (Oxford University Press, 2020).  He is currently at work on a book about Leon Bibel, a New York artisist from the 1930s.   At John Jay, he teaches in the Interdisciplinary Studies Program; in his spare time, he walks around Brooklyn fretting over the fortunes of Leeds United.