John Jay College was ranked #4 in the US for Best Bachelor’s Degrees in Public Administration by BestAccreditedColleges.org.
BestAccreditedColleges.org ranks accredited, non-profit public and private colleges and universities using a proprietary ranking system using data from the US Department of Education including cost of tuition, financial aid, admittance rates, education support and resources, retention rates, graduation rates and student/faculty ratio.
The #4 ranking demonstrates John Jay’s commitment to giving students from lower-income backgrounds access to a college education and the many benefits of earning a four-year degree. With tuition a fraction of the cost to attend a comparable private college, 85% of John Jay students graduate with $0 student debt. Click here to learn more about tuition and financial aid at John Jay.
John Jay was also recently ranked #4 for social mobility and #5 for public colleges by U.S. News & World Report, #1 in the country for criminal justice, forensic science and legal studies programs by University HQ, #1 in public universities in New York by Niche, #4 nationwide in best public colleges by Money magazine, #7 in “best bang for the buck” by Washington Monthly and a top veteran-friendly school by US Veterans Magazine.