Dr. Maria (Maki) Haberfeld, professor and chair of the Department of Law, Police Science and Criminal Justice Administration, was named to the Advisory Board of the Polish National Police. The Advisory Board was created by the Commander in Chief of the Polish National Police and advises the Polish police on strategic and operational effectiveness.
Haberfeld, who was born in Poland, has conducted research in public and private law enforcement and integrity and white-collar crime in the US, Eastern and Western Europe and Israel. In addition to her research, she has provided leadership training to police agencies. She has also developed, coordinated and taught in John Jay’s NYPD Leadership Program.
Haberfeld’s publications include Evidence-Based Policing (co-authored, 2023), Police Integrity in the Times of Change (co-authored, 2021), Policing Crisis Situations (co-authored, 2022), 3 Briefs on Community Oriented Policing (co-edited, 2019, 2020), Exploring Police Integrity (co-edited, 2019), Measuring Police Integrity across the World (co-edited, 2015), Introduction to Policing: the Pillar of Democracy (co-authored, 2014), Match-Fixing in International Sports (co-edited, 2013), Policing Muslim Communities (co-authored, 2012), Police Leadership: Organizational and Managerial Decision Making Process (2012), Russian Organized Corruption Networks and their International Trajectories (co-authored, 2011), Critical Issues in Police Training (2011) and Police Organization and Training: Innovations in Research and Practice (co-edited, 2011). Find a full list of her publications here.