Faculty & Student Resources
Below you will find a list of most frequent resources and forms utilized by faculty and students. PLEASE NOTE - this page is under construction. If you have any of the documents listed below, or have questions please email psychology@jjay.cuny.edu.
- Psychologists in Public Policy: Division 18 of the American Psychological Association
- American Psychology-Law Society Student Section: Division 41 of the American Psychological Association
- American Board of Forensic Psychology and American Academy of Forensic Psychology
- Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI), Division 9 of the APA
- CUNY Research Foundation. Includes information about PSC-CUNY Research Award Programs.
- Model Syllabus
- Syllabus Checklist
- Adjunct Guide
- OTPS State System Registration Forms
- Qualtrics Information Guide
- Full Time Faculty Listserv (Tenured and tenure-track faculty in the John Jay Psychology Department should join this list.)
- Adjunct Faculty Listserv (Adjunct and substitute faculty in the John Jay Psychology Department should join this list.)
- Travel Approval Form
- Travel Expense Voucher
- Multiple Position Policy
- John Jay Psi Chi Chapter
- American Psychological Association of Graduate Students
- American Psychology-Law Society Student Section: Division 41 of the American Psychological Association
- Association for Psychological Science: Student Membership
- Master's Students Research Group
- John Jay Human Research Protection Program for research with human subjects.
- Psychology Research Experience Program
- John Jay Library Homepage
- Psychology Research Guides
- Independent Study Form
- Forensic Psychology Major Requirements & Curriculum Plan (2 forms)
- Undergraduate Psychology Student Listserv (We encourage undergraduate majors, minors and alumni to join this list. John Jay Psychology Department faculty may also join.)
- Research Poster Approval Form
- Applying to Graduate School