Blue Manhattan Map

The Office of Academic Operations supports the academic mission of the college by providing strategic and functional support to the Provost, deans, and department chairs in all resource matters. We routinely partner with the Office of Human Resources, Business Services and the Office of the General Counsel and Labor Designee to make sure that we are in compliance with all internal policies and procedures as well as those of the University, the PSC and New York State.

Meet the Team

We are here to help so please contact us with any questions, issues or concerns that you may have.



Email Address


General questions related to Academic Operations (“How  do I…?”); questions may be forwarded to specific staff to address

Questions and issues related to full time faculty workload

Questions and issues related to full time faculty multiple positions and forms

Questions and issues related to hiring part time faculty and staff

Specifically to send and receive PSC contractual notification letters (reappointment/ non‐reappointment) for the Fall and Spring semesters



Operations Team


Kinya Chandler

Associate Provost of Strategy and Operations
Room 1020 BMW 


Adjunct Appointments


Adjunct Specialist
Room 1024 BMW



Shakia Brown

Budget & Operations Associate

Room 1026 BMW


Faculty Workload

Christina Czechowicz

Faculty Workload Manager
Room 1022 BMW


Faculty Workload and Multiple Positions

Katarzyna Gribbin

Faculty Workload Manager

Room 1023 BMW


Part-Time Staff

Tamari Tevdoradze

Academic Operations Associate 

Room 1025 BMW



Melpomeni Kuremeno

College Assistant

Room 1010 BMW


Space Management

Debra Hairston
Director, Academic Space Management
Room 1021 BMW


Student Success Grants

Gin Allcock

Administrative Coordinator
Room 1027 BMW


For Faculty


Full-time faculty are encouraged to review the 2017-2023 PSC-CUNY Collective Bargaining Agreement for all contractual questions.


Article 15.1 of the contract addresses specific areas of Workload and Article 15.5 reinforces the importance of Multiple Positions compliance.


The 2017 Undergraduate Teaching Workload statement issued by the University sets annual workload obligation for full-time faculty as follows:

  • Professors, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors, Distinguished Lecturers - 18 hours
  • Instructors, Lecturers - 24 hours
  • Substitute titles are expected to teach 3 more hours than is standard for the corresponding non-substitute faculty rank


John Jay College manages full-time faculty workload data via the online e-Workload application.  All teaching and non-teaching workload information are listed on one form per faculty. Faculty are required to review, edit, and approve their forms each semester. Department Chairs are required to review, edit, and approve the workload for all their full-time faculty each semester. Pertinent contractual deadlines and special comments are listed when applicable.


Please review Workload FAQs for more information.


Multiple Positions

Multiple Positions Policy supports faculty's commitment to their instructional positions and their students by limiting hours of activities beyond full-time faculty appointments and workload obligations. Each full-time faculty, including substitute titles and faculty on an approved leave of absence, are required to submit multiple position form each semester. When reporting activities beyond their full-time JJay appointment, faculty must submit their forms to review and approval by the Department Chair and/or Department P&B Committee, before any work commences.  


Please review Multiple Positions FAQs for more information.


Other Resources 

Fall/Spring Reporting Form
Summer Reporting Form


Contact us at



Approved Overload Teaching must be reported on the Multiple Positions Form

Overload Request Form

Teaching Adjuncts are encouraged to review the 2017-2023 PSC-CUNY Collective Bargaining Agreement for all contractual questions.

  • Section 10.1 - Notification of Reappointment and Non-Reappointment
  • Section 15.2 - Workload for Adjunct teaching titles
  • Section 15.3 - Workload for Graduate Assistant titles
  • Section 18.2 - Professional Evaluation for teaching titles
  • Section 24 - Salary Schedules and Increases (Adjunct and Hourly Professional Rates)

To hire Teaching Adjuncts, please refer to the Hiring Flow Chart

Although specific due dates may vary, general deadlines to submit eHRAFs are:

  • April for Summer term hires
  • May for Fall term hires
  • October for Winter intersession and Spring term hires


Electronic Human Resources Action Form

John Jay Essential Information for Adjuncts

PSC Adjunct Handbook 2022

Adjunct Workload Reporting Form (must be submitted to Human Resources)

Request for Conditional Offer Letter- New Adjunct


The Instructor/Advisor Table maintains instructor and advisor data that is used by other pages in CUNYfirst and other connected systems. Instructors must be in this table before they can be selected as an instructor in the Coursedog scheduling system. The instructor must be listed in the Coursedog in order to use CUNYfirst Faculty Self-Service to view class rosters, enter grades, and to access Blackboard for their specific class(es).

An individual must already exist in the CUNYfirst system with an established Employee ID in order to add them to the Instructor/Advisor table. Empl ID is created upon instructor's initial hire by CUNY.  Each instructor has one Empl ID across the CUNY system, no matter the number of jobs they were hired for during their career at the University.


To add faculty to Instructor/Advisor Table, please contact Kate Gribbin at

Visit the Instructor/Advisor Table FAQs for frequently asked questions.


For Hourly Staff

Hourly College Lab Techs are encouraged to review the 2017-2023 PSC-CUNY Collective Bargaining Agreement for all contractual questions.

  • Section 10.1 - Notification of Reappointment and Non-Reappointment
  • Section 24 - Salary Schedules and Increases (Adjunct and Hourly Professional Rates)

To hire Hourly College Lab Techs, please refer to the Hiring Flow Chart


Electronic Human Resources Action Form

John Jay Essential Information for Adjuncts

PSC Adjunct Handbook 2022

Time Sheet Submission Schedule

Adjunct CLT Timesheet

Adjunct Position Request Form

Request for Conditional Offer Letter - New Adjunct CLT


Budget & Resources

Academic Affairs space planning aims to determine the purpose, functional requirements, and basic layout of specific areas used by full-time and part-time faculty and staff. Annual department reviews of their current floor plans assist our office in effectively managing all available rooms and addressing the need for additional offices or meeting places.  Our office can also assist in faculty and staff office relocation processes or office reconfigurations.


For space planning requests, please contact Debra Hairston at


Visit the Space Planning FAQs for frequently asked questions.

students looking at a television screen
Faculty & Staff Resources

Find more faculty and staff resources here