The MSRC Loan Program provides John Jay STEM students with essential calculators and goggles for their coursework. All students in good standing are eligible to participate. Supplies are limited and distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. Students must complete the MSRC Promissory Note before submitting their loan request and a Loan Agreement Form at the time of the request, which outlines the terms of participation. This is a same-day loan program.
Program Specifications
Students can borrow a graphing calculator, a scientific calculator, and/or lab goggles from the MSRC by providing their contact information and John Jay ID with an additional form of collateral of equal value. Items must be returned to the MSRC by the end of the time specified on the Loan Agreement Form or by the close of the Center’s business hours on the day of checkout. The borrower’s John Jay ID and additional collateral item will be held for the duration of the loan and returned when the item is checked back in. Textbooks are reserved for in-house use only.
MSRC Items to be Loaned and Requirements
Scientific/Graphing Calculators: Each calculator must be returned with its respective cover.
• Students must complete the MSRC Promissory Note and submit a valid John Jay ID/legal ID along with an additional form of collateral of equal value such as:
o Cell phone, Headphones, additional legal ID, another approved item by MSRC Admin
• Goggles: John Jay ID or State ID
• Textbooks: John Jay ID or State ID (for in-house use only)
If items are not returned by the agreed-upon time, students will be barred from future borrowing, and a registration hold may be placed on their account.
1) Students may schedule up to three appointments per week per subject. Students are only permitted to schedule one appointment per day per service.
2) Appointments both in-person and virtual are 50 minutes or less from the scheduled start time. Please note: if a student is more than 15 minutes late for an appointment without notifying the center in advance, the MSRC reserves the right to reassign your tutor to another student.
3) Students may utilize the MSRC Walk-In for quick assistance. Subjects are covered based on tutor availability.
4) After three No-Shows (failure to attend a tutoring session), or six late cancellations (failure to give 24- hour notice when canceling an appointment), the MSRC reserves the right to cancel all future appointments without notice. Please note, students that forfeit the ability to make appointments in advance for the remainder of the semester due to the above infractions may still come in on a drop-in/walk-in basis - subject to tutor availability.
5) In addition to appointments and the walk-in support services, students can also attend workshops and study groups. They may also use the computer lab.
6) Students are required to check- in at the front desk before proceeding to their in-person tutoring session or any MSRC service in the center.
Students may schedule appointments up to three weeks in advance. For the best results, please plan ahead. To get an appointment during peak demand periods, you may need to be on campus earlier or later than you usually are, or on a day you do not usually attend classes in-person. If your schedule is inflexible, you should make your tutoring appointments farther in advance to best ensure the dates and times you need. This is especially important for students in courses with mandatory/incentivized tutoring and those who have been referred by their instructor. The MSRC understands the tight schedules of students and on a case-by-case basis may be able to accommodate a tutoring session outside of our regular hours. However, this is subject to tutor availability. Please contact the MSRC via email if you have any special requests.
- Come prepared with all necessary materials (i.e., class notes, assignment guidelines, textbooks, writing drafts, flash drive, calculator, etc.).
- Be an active participant in the tutoring session.
- Be as specific as possible about what you are hoping to achieve in the tutoring session. Ask questions and listen to suggestions.
- Attempt your homework on your own before bringing it to a tutor to help; a tutor cannot do your work for you.
- Be patient and considerate as we continue to partially operate under a virtual environment. Make sure to email msrc@jjay.cuny.edu or your tutor if you have problems accessing the meeting.
- Only schedule a meeting you know you can attend and be punctual. Reschedule or cancel your appointment if you cannot attend or notify your tutor or the Center as soon as possible before the session is scheduled to begin.
- Understand that more than three (3) unexcused no-shows per semester will result in losing access to staff tutors. Tutor.com will remain available.
- Do not schedule a tutoring appointment when you are supposed to be in class. We cannot assist students during their class time.
- The MSRC is primarily a place for tutoring and quiet study.
- Students are welcome to use the study tables to study in groups; however, you are required to always keep your voice down to library level. Students who disrupt the quiet of the center will be asked to leave.
The Math & Science Resource Center expects those who use our services to respect the rights of others and to follow center policies. Responsible conduct is required at all times. All students are required to comply with center policies and the instructions of center staff. Individuals who fail to do so may be asked to leave the center and may lose their center privileges permanently. Individuals who violate center policies and/or engage in unacceptable conduct such as loud or disruptive behavior, verbal abuse, physical abuse, or refusal to comply with requests from members of the staff may lose their center privileges and/or be subject to disciplinary action by the college.
Community Standards & Conduct Policies:
Communication from the MSRC goes to student's John Jay email account. All students utilizing any of the MSRC's services are required to check their email regularly for appointment confirmations, updates, reminders, etc. Students who are having difficulty accessing their John Jay email account should call the Helpdesk at (212) 237-8200.
This is an academic computing lab. Students are not permitted to access Facebook, Flickr, Twitter, YouTube, Hulu, or any other recreational web sites from this lab. Computers are available throughout the college for recreational use. Also, please note that the MSRC staff does not provide technical support. If you need assistance operating a computer or using standard software, please use the large lab downstairs in room L2.72.00 NB, where technical support is available. If you are having trouble with course-specific software, please contact the publisher or your instructor.
You must have a valid John Jay student username and password to log in to computers in this lab and to release print jobs at the print station. If you have not logged on lately, you may need to reset your password before you can use the lab.
The MSRC has a resource library that includes but is not limited to calculators and textbooks. You must surrender your John Jay ID in exchange for a resource. You may check out one resource per ID.
- Loaning of calculators – Graphing or scientific calculators may be loaned from the MSRC by providing your information and your John Jay ID. Calculators need to be returned to the MSRC by the end of the center’s business hours that day. Your John Jay ID will be returned to you at the time of returning the calculator. Strict action will be taken if calculators are not returned when they are due. If you do not return an item on time, you may be barred from future borrowing, and a hold may be placed on your registration.
- Referencing textbooks – The textbooks at the MSRC may be checked out from the shelves by providing your information and your John Jay ID. However, these books are solely for the purpose of referencing and are not allowed to be taken out of the center. Your John Jay ID will be returned to you at the time of returning the book. Strict action will be taken if books are not returned when they are due or are taken out of the center. If you do not return an item on time, you may be barred from future borrowing, and a hold may be placed on your registration.
Please note that the center’s resource library is not intended to be a substitute for buying your own books. You are responsible for purchasing all required reading materials for your classes.
Students that have received a tutoring referral from their instructor (or if the instructor requires/rewards the attendance of tutoring sessions) are expected to stay the entire hour to receive appropriate credit. If you only have a few questions, try working with the tutor on additional/similar problems, have the tutor quiz you on your class notes to check your understanding, review older material, or preview upcoming material in the textbook/on the syllabus. Remember: There is always room for improvement!
Tutors do not help students directly with graded assignments. Your grades must reflect your own work, not the work of a tutor. If you bring a graded homework assignment, take-home exam, lab report, etc., your tutor will be happy to work with you on the concepts inherent, but you will need to complete your graded assignment(s) on your own. Test corrections can be accommodated by the MSRC, but they need to be requested and approved by faculty in advance.
Eating and drinking in the center is a privilege, not a right. Under no circumstances may you eat or drink in the computer lab.